Importance of getting a post natal massage

Post natal massage is just as important and awesome as prenatal massage but it is talked about way lesser. So much of the discussion and the education around pregnancy and childbearing tend to end at the birth, but birth is not the end but a beginning. As a mother, the work is just beginning after giving birth. And so, take care after delivery is just as important as to take care before the delivery. The better the care is taken, the better care can be given to the baby as well. And post natal massage therapy is a great exercise and self-care. It gives so many tangible benefits both emotionally and physically. 

Post natal massage is great for promoting muscle recovery and tissue vitality. Delivery is a huge strenuous exhausting experience and a lot of muscles and tissues are damaged during the process. And so it is important that all the tissues and the muscles of the body recover. And massage does that, by helping the body heal itself. During pregnancy, the skin gets pigmented and loses its elasticity. With massage, it increases the circulation and the nutrients to all the parts of the body including the skin. And for the skin that helps to maintain the elasticity and vitality so that it can rebound back to where it was before. To generate added information on post natal massage kindly check out Theraply.

Similarly, if the delivery was done through Caesarean section massage can help with the tissues healing themselves and any of the pain and the scars that are associated with that as well. When a woman is pregnant the body accumulated a lot of fluids, the level of blood increases. After the birth that doesn’t go right away. So, helping promote the circulation can eliminate all the excess fluid as much as possible and avoid bloating and swellings. And as the fluids keep moving, it’s going to help all the organs and tissues work as optimally as they can. 

Post natal massage is also great for soothing the nervous system and promoting the release of endorphins. So whether the mother is experiencing the baby blues or something more severe like postpartum depressing, getting a massage helps regulate the mood and eat the symptoms. Massage also helps with Insomnia; it improves the ability to sleep and the quality of sleep. Lastly, a massage provides a safe comfortable and emotionally supportive space to recharge.